Voodoo Hellion

December 31, 2016 Todd Tillman 6 comments


Behind closed doors where malevolent creations go beyond existence, an incarnation of ritualistic proportions are dragged from heaps of one persons scraps to become anothers spiritual sanctuary. The basic beliefs of Voodoo is that everything is somehow connected.

For Randy Schmitt this connection is utilized to influence the outcome of his life through family, metal, and culture. And behind the closed doors, that’s Voodoo Hellion. Originally starting out as a $700 barn find in 2006, the Hellion has become an almost mythical four-wheeled creature that was constructed from what many say is just plain folk magic.

A welder by trade Randy’s skills and craftsmanship came into play throughout this entire build. His passion for fabrication shows in every aspect of every part the Hellion carries. Its “munsterish” look influenced by childhood television series from the 1960’s with an industrial mix.

The Hellion was constructed right from the start with the chassis in sanded and polished raw metal, no chrome and no paint. The front was wedged and cut out of 2×5 tubing to give it the correct tapper Randy wanted and then holes were cut and sleeved. The rear of the frame received a 1978 Ford truck 9” rear end and the frame a 22” kick up so when the airbags were deflated the car would lay on the frame.


The body of the A was trimmed 3inches from the bottom and 6 inches from the above roof pillars. The subframe was welded to the body and all wood was removed and replaced with 1×2 inch tubing. The dashboard was cut up into 20 different pieces centering the gauge cluster to the middle of the cab. The steering box from a Fiat was then installed and coupled to the steering linkage transforming it into a cowl steering unit. An 8 circuit rebel wiring harness was installed as well as a custom1921 Studebaker grill that was cut down 3 inches and fitted with 1958 Oldsmobile side trim for grill bars. Looking closer Randy reached deeper into his mojo bag and installed a 1936 Ford horn cover where the original gas cap was located for access to the remote hydraulic clutch reservoir. You can also find a 1940 Chevrolet headlight bucket protruding from the firewall acting as a cover for the Willwood hydraulic clutch and master cylinder.

The engine is a modified 1956 354 Chrysler Hemi sporting six Stromberg 97 carburetors. “As the old saying goes real hot rods have 3 pedals” states Randy. “So, it only made sense to mate the hemi with a four speed Muncie transmission.”


Voodoo Randy Schmitt as originally named by his daughter Kayla, is an active member of the Voodoo Kings Kustom Car Club and ahead of the Central Illinois chapter. He also is the head fabricator for Nickey Chicago, where he can be found building components for the Nickey line of vintage Gassers and Funny cars. Along with his wife he also owns and operates a successful vending catering business known for their infamous corndogs, curly fries, and lemon shake ups. In his spare time Randy can be found hitting the streets with his son Ryan and attending the local traditional hot rod and custom car shows.

Within your mystical journey all creative energy practiced under a waxing moon will return good fortune.-TT



Owner: Randy Schmitt

Story by: Todd Tillman

Photos by: Lindsey Schnell

6 Comments on “Voodoo Hellion

  1. Known Randy for years ! I remember when he quit a factory job, and was told “you’ll never make it on your own, you’ll be back”! I’ve been laughing along with him for years now. Randy (and son Ryan) are metal fabrication artists. I’m just happy to call them friends also.

  2. Randy is a great guy his fabrication skills are amazing ! Him and his son Ryan always bring something cool to the shows and they are great to talk to very helpful answering questions about their builds !

    1. Glad I can say I know Randy from his first lemonade wagon painted it at Vactor on his own time it wasn’t anything like now at the beginning proud to says your my friend keep up the great work

  3. Very nice article about a Great person, family man and fabricator. Randy is a awesome person to call your friend. He is everything you have written plus much more. Very creative and capable man. Glad to know him as a friend.

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